Thoth Tarot: Respite, Strength and Valor
The Thoth Tarot, created by Aleister Crowley, provides a different perspective on Tarot. Drawn and painted by Lady Freida Harris, its colors evoke in me an intuitive response. Three suits are represented in this three card spread reflecting Elemental Air, Fire and Water respectively. A three card spread can be used to show past, present and future, or general influences. This spread shows the latter.
Intellectual presence is represented by the suit of Swords. The Four indicates a time of rest and quiet reflection. Truce, in this case reflects peace of mind after some measure of anxiety or struggle. Respite is in order so that informed decisions can be made.
The Seven of Wands indicates the courage to meet obstacles with integrity and valor. Six ornate wands appear in balance behind the simple wand in front, providing foundational support. Other interpretations have the wand in the center standing its ground from surrounding influences. While I don’t disagree with that interpretation, I prefer to view the Tarot from a position of strength, especially with cards traditionally thought of as negative.
In the final position, the Three of Cups indicates abundance and success. Our cup runneth over. We’ve used perspective gained from quiet reflection to achieve our goal with integrity and valor.
Tarot employs many influences to tell the story of who we are. Interpretation looks to the interaction between the individual card’s correspondences, whether astrological, elemental or numerological. From there we look at the symbolism contained within each card, and how that relates to the more foundational correspondences.
In the case of this spread, pausing to reflect on the situation at hand often allows us a fresh perspective. From there, we’re able to make decisions from the position of strength, utilizing everything at our disposal. Abundance is the reward for those who act with integrity and honor. And what a lovely direction to take!
~Blessed be the Thoth Tarot!
Originally published at on November 14, 2015.