The Will to Reject Deception, Control the Toddler, and Be Happy

Jan Erickson
4 min readNov 27, 2018

I’m using the Wildwood Tarot deck today which has a Druidic or Celtic feeling to it. The deck’s authors have changed the names of the suits from Wands, Swords, Pentacles, and Cups to Bows, Arrows, Stones, and Vessels respectively and the deck is simply beautiful to pour over, because that’s what I find myself doing whenever I look at the cards in this deck, pouring over it. All elements are influencing today affecting our intellectual, physical, and emotional aspects of Self with our will as the significator. The overall numerology from today’s reading is twenty-three reducing to five or change.

Beginning with the Ace of Bows as significator for today’s influences, we see the Spark of Life expressed by the tip of the arrow spinning until a flame bursts forth. The integrated pattern of life is depicted in the branches of both trees as they encircle the Ace’s catalytic presence. The suit of Bows reflects the Fire Element and our expression of will. With diligence, we develop the skill to be proficient at using the bow and arrow. It’s been part of humanity’s survival in that it can create warmth as well as be used for protection and hunting. But at the heart of its energy is will, our will to survive.

So against this backdrop of the genesis of our will, we move to the Two of Arrows, (Swords in traditional decks) and Injustice. Scales balancing a feather with coins, an uneven balance to be sure, appear above a woman’s head. She is blindfolded, her arms crossed holding two arrows. Her long hair flows about her as she sits in meditation with one foot securing her bow. Deception and intrigue are among traditional interpretations of this card. The imbalanced scales represent an attempt to equate not only two different contents but also two differing concepts. Ideas versus material possessions, suggesting false equivalence, an issue of fair play involved as the woman is asked to make a decision when the truth of the matter isn’t clear. The feather and the handful of money are not the same, yet she is asked to believe that they are. Deception resulting in injustice is the primary interpretation of the Two of Arrows.

The Ten of Stones represents home and hearth. Traditionally called the 10 of Pentacles, Stones represents the Elemental Earth and the practical side of life, our foundation, and our ancestral heritage. Ten large stones comprise a doorway leading out of a dwelling with the figures of a man and woman etched on the doorway’s vertical pillars. A longhouse sits on the hill in the distance, two ornate pillars adorning its entrance as an apple tree rises from its center. The Ten of Stones evokes a sense of community and legacy built by the shared effort of all.

Another ten card in today’s reading, the Ten of Vessels (Cups) is titled Happiness. Here we see a waterfall flowing down the rock face into ten cups randomly placed on the rocks below. Abundance and joy are reflected in this card as love flows freely. We really need do nothing when this card appears as we have all that we need; however, the water flowing over the cups suggests that there may still be more to experience. Our cups runneth over with happiness and love.

Interestingly, there are three cards present with the numerology of one: the Ace of Bows as well as both Tens. All indicate new beginnings and with the Two of Arrows present, the time is now to reject any deception we might be experiencing. The significator for the reading, the Ace of Bows, tells us to invoke our will in order that we see through illusion and experience a greater sense of clarity. Then, whatever decision we need to make will be based on truth instead of the lies we’re now expected to accept.

The presence of the Ten of Stones in the center of the reading suggests that our foundation is at the heart of our concerns. Who we are and how we advance as a society concern many of us. We’re forced to deal with blatant and craven deception on a level never before experienced. Our fundamental values are being challenged as we are asked to look the other way, believing only what we’re told, instead of what we all know to be true.

Will’s a funny thing. When it’s out of control, it’s like dealing with a toddler on a sugar high. Energetic influences are on our side, however, assisting our own force of will to see through the toddler’s antics and take back control. And given his short work day, it’s clear he needs his nap time.

Besides…it’s time we were happy again…

Blessed Be

Originally published at on November 27, 2018.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…