The Forecast for 19–25 November 2023

Jan Erickson
7 min readNov 19, 2023

The Forecast is a comprehensive look at both the weekly planetary information as well as the daily forecast. The planetary information presented is from daily astrological charts over the course of the week that align with the planetary governor for each day, while the daily information is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark, geomancy, and numerology. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time.

Retrograde Planets — Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, Vesta

The Sun

12th/Scorpio; 12th/Sagittarius 11/22 at 6:02a

Sunday influences: 1, Fehu, Puer, Human Design Gate/Line 14.3 Service; Moon Phase: Waxing, Crescent

The Sun’s influence impacts an individual’s identity, vitality, and ego expression. Your connection to the metaphysical world allows you to explore new ideas and areas of study over the week. You’re able to rise above challenges and solve problems through inner reflection. In addition, you may be blessed with the opportunity to provide support to someone who needs your insight, so don’t hesitate to share what you know. In the latter part of the week, you may assert yourself in a powerful way that helps you achieve your goals.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…