The Forecast: 3–9 November 2024
The Forecast is a look at the weekly planetary influences and a daily reading derived from various esoteric sources. The general astrological outlook presented is from daily astrological charts over the week, while the daily reading is gleaned from each day’s I Ching-based Human Design chart, runes from both the Elder Futhark and geomancy, and numerology for the day itself. The astrological and Human Design charts are cast for 8:00 am Pacific time. A list of planets/signs, Moon signs/phases, planets that are considered out of bounds, and retrograde planets follow at the end.
General Astrological Outlook
As the week begins, rest up and prepare for the coming week. Your health is important during this time, and engaging in drama may increase your stress. Focus instead on what inspires you and avoid any triggers or uncomfortable memories that disturb your balance. As the week continues, you enjoy networking and learning more about the world around you, with spirituality a continued focus.
Excessiveness or overindulgence may challenge a partnership this week, and discipline is necessary so your partner isn’t left wondering how to deal with the consequences. If tension arises, consider a new solution or find a physical outlet to regain your balance.