Lunar Transits for 5–7 February 2019

Jan Erickson
4 min readFeb 5, 2019

The Moon transits into emotional and intuitive Pisces and the 7th House of marriage and partnership at 6:03 PM PST today, 5 February 2019, remaining there until Void of Course begins at 2:13 PM PST on the 8th. Spend time with your partner or spouse during this lunar period paying close attention to boundaries and your inner knowing. The chart is below:


Other than a semisquare with Saturn suggesting the need for patience, particularly if emotions are in flux, it appears that our focus may be on our relationships with women during this lunar period. Although the Moon conjunct Vesta and trine Pallas suggest positive influences, the Moon in a square with both Ceres and Juno suggest that relationships with other women in our lives may be challenging right now. Are we on the same page as others in our lives from whom we seek nurturance? Do we understand the give and take or reciprocity of a relationship where nurturing is a component? An opposition to the Ascendant suggests that not only do we need support from others, we also need to extend that support as well, something we might find difficult during this lunar period. If so, take a step back and check in with any uncomfortable feelings that may arise over the next couple of days. Are they real, or a result of perception?

Chart Balances/Info

  • Mode ~ Fixed energies are strongest today reinforcing rigid beliefs and behavior. Strive for some flexibility.
  • Element ~ Fire dominates along with our will supporting new ideas and experiences. Remember to take care of regular business while exploring new projects or goals.
  • Rays ~ 1st and 5th Rays are strongest influencing leadership skills and innovation.
  • Planets ~ Self-confident Leo and progressive Aquarius are the dominant influences.
  • Houses ~ 5th, 6th, and 7th Houses influence creativity, our daily routine, and partnership issues.
  • Moon Phase ~ New Moon — new beginnings of all kinds are favored.

Magickal Workings

A note about the planetary hours table on the astrological chart. A cursory look at the following days shows that the hours don’t change all that much, a minute here or there, or no change at all, so I feel comfortable not including any others for the remaining period. Also, the beginning hour is the hour of sunrise where I live. Obviously, if you live in Europe, for example, it’s going to be vastly different. A quick search online will bring up Lunarium and they have a planetary hours calculator. I’ve linked to their name so click on it and you’ll see all sorts of things a witch will no doubt find useful. Likely, you already know about it, but if not, click on the link.

If working some herb magick today, make use of catalytic Mars to invoke workings surrounding healing or self-empowerment. Nettle, hawthorn, various basils…all are useful and add some Lilith influence to the working as well. While you chant, cast the herbs into a lit cauldron, allowing their healing essence to rise, infusing the universe with their healing effect. Red candles are useful as is dragon’s blood incense. The 26th Mansion, Almiquedam, is active, supporting magicks for healing and unity, and its energy continues into the following day when Algarf arrives.

The Piscean influence can reinforce a spiritual nature, but it can also stir up emotions, apparently centering around the women in our lives. But it can also relate to the feminine within and perhaps issues of nurturing both self and others are affecting our perceptions right now. Understand that what we give, we get back, so extend compassion to others and we’ll likely receive the same.

Until next time…

Lunar Blessings!

Originally published at on February 5, 2019.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…