In The Quiet Place Of Spirit ~ Tarot for 4 June 2017

Jan Erickson
4 min readJun 4, 2017


Never let it be said that Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck is cheery. Something tells me he was far too caught up in the negativity of the world at the expense of Spirit. Still, Lady Frieda Harris did his interpretations justice because her cards resonate with Elemental influences and her designs and color choices are stunning.

Today’s tarot reading begins with the Knight of Wands, the 7 of Swords, and Death in the general influences section, with the 6 of Disks in the position of hidden influence and the 3 of Swords as the outcome. Fire, Air, and Earth are represented with Water absent and the overall numerology of the reading is 11 or the Master number for illumination and our connection to the subconscious realm.

Cool. Inner work.

The Knight of Wands begins the reading illustrating a valiant Knight blazing into battle on his noble steed. His wand explodes with flames, his cape alive with energy and passion. The King in traditional decks, the Knight of Wands represents an individual full of generosity and optimism. Resolute and creative, the Knight excels at negotiation, transcending the mundane for more creative solutions. He is both a warrior who can be cruel as well as a mentor who can be supportive and loving.

Futility is the title of the 7 of Swords. Six swords point downward toward a larger sword which points upward toward the moon with planetary glyphs adorning each hilt. This card suggests that deception is occurring, either from others or possibly from the self. It encourages us to think outside the box and to understand that we give everything the meaning that it has. It’s easy to become confused when so much is coming in on us, but I don’t see futility as much as a need to look inward for answers.

Death is a busy card in the Thoth Tarot deck. The Grim Reaper with his scythe appears to dance a jig as he symbolizes rebirth and renewal. The snake and the lobster both indicate cycles of renewal and regeneration with new opportunities in store. Change and transformation are assured when Death appears. We’re to let go of what no longer serves clearing the way for a new outlook or new experiences.

Success is the title of the 6 of Disks and illustrates life in harmony. Abundance and fairness are expressed in the 6 of Disks. Six represents the sacred layer of the Higher Self, and the one thing we can depend upon. Irrespective of what’s going on in our lives, at our core, we are Spirit, our bodies only an illusion of form. We are forever and expression of the Creator, in harmony with both self and others.

And with the 3 of Swords, we’re back to Sorrow. Although I’m not fond of the shade of yellow used, I actually love how Lady Harris drew this card. Three swords pierce the center of a yellow flower telling us that the bloom is off the rose. But sorrow is a choice. In alignment, we remain unaffected by the chaos around us as we accept reality allowing the process to unfold as it will.

Tarot reminds us of the choices we can make to live in awareness of Spirit or to become caught up in the drama of form. All answers are found within, in the quiet place of Spirit, where we exist in unified presence with all. If we remain focused on drama then sorrow is surely what we’ll experience. Instead, we should remember that life is cyclical in nature and that rebirth and renewal are always possible. Our inner harmony is compromised when we lose focus. The key is in remembrance of who we are as Spirit. It’s not a place we return to, but one that exists eternally within.

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on June 4, 2017.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…