Herb Magick: Calendula
Calendula, Calendula officinalis
Also known as Pot marigold, desert marigold, and marsh marigold, The Sun and the astrological sign Leo rule Calendula. Its element is Fire, its direction is South, its day is Sunday, and its magickal power is To Will. Its energetic effect is masculine, projective, and active. Associated Deities are Brigid (goddess), Michael (archangel), and Och (Olympic Spirit)
Use in Rituals, Spells, and Magickal Workings
The flowers from the Calendula plant can be used in magickal workings, fresh or dried. Calendula is used in workings to increase wealth, success, illumination, truth, protection, rebirth, divination, psychic ability, and love.
Magickal Methodologies
Dried Calendula flowers can be used in mojo or charm bags, witch bottles, or dream pillows.
Anointed candles can be rolled in dried Calendula petals to enhance a working.
The dried flowers can be scattered to the winds at the end of a magickal working or around an area that needs protection.
Calendula flowers can be infused and painted onto runes or parchment paper to be used in various magickal workings.
Fresh Calendula flowers can be used fresh on the altar or workspace either in a vase or scattered about. They can be floated in a bowl of water along with other flowers, or the petals can be dropped onto the top of a candle (votive, tea light, or large pillar candle) or into a simmer pot.