Full Flower Moon Musings

Jan Erickson
4 min readMay 19, 2019


The Full Flower Moon in Scorpio began a couple of hours ago. By the time she makes her appearance at my house, she will have moved into Sagittarius at 6:21 PM PDT. The Moon in Scorpio asks us to work through secrecy and trust issues while the Moon in Sagittarius asks us to take responsibility for our own issues. Restless energy governs both and inner work is required yet is often neglected.

It’s an interesting transition between the two signs. Scorpio must learn to let go of suspicions and perceived emotional woundings. Control issues expressed by Sagittarius need to be resolved and respect developed for others. Both signs react in self-defeating ways and cause themselves all sorts of hell in the process, yet their stubbornness prevents them from resolving much of anything.

Dealing with this energy today feels chaotic and frenetic but at least I had lots of energy to plant potatoes, corn, and onions and we finally resolved how to cover the new raised bed over in the apiary. I won’t need to do that for much longer, and given that the gourds are beginning to develop tendrils, I’ll need to give them access to the netting behind the bed so that they can climb.

My husband, a Sagittarian, helped me with the planting but then had to deal with his own scattered energy by weed-eating half the property. It’s what he does to deal with his restlessness. He cleans up. But before he did that, he transplanted the hops that were coming up in the walkway of the medicinal herb garden along the fence where we’ve been adding other hops plants.

While my husband was weed eating, I harvested some cleavers from an area over by the old chicken coop. The rain has an amazing effect on cleavers causing growth like nothing else does and I knew there would be plenty to harvest after the last few days of rain. I managed to harvest enough to spread out on the freezer to dry and it should give me enough for tea blends, tincture, and poultice material. Cleavers are very healing for skin disorders both internally and externally and are a great diuretic as well for fluid retention.

Last evening, I posted a tarot reading to begin the Maiden phase of the Full Moon in response to the current efforts to oppress women over their reproductive rights. I said then that I would be drawing down the Moon’s energy today to reinforce the strength women have within to overcome any adversity, including this one.

We will not be silenced. We will not go back. We will never give in. It’s that simple. And if you’d like to join me this evening under the Full Flower Moon, I’ll be chanting the following:

Blessed Goddess

I stand before you with my heart open and free.

As I draw down your blessings,

Protect me and all others from oppression, cruelty, and coercion.

As we raise our collective voices, powerful and holy.

We align in your grace!

We align in your power!

We align in your presence!

We will not be deterred!

We will not be silenced!

We will not be shamed!

We will not go back!

We will rise together!

We will be victorious!

We are so Blessed Be!

It doesn’t matter if we draw down Goddess Presence at the same time or not, She’ll hear our plea regardless. She’s aware and waiting for our call. As we stand in our power, we raise Goddess awareness into the collective consciousness and allow that resonance to return humanity to a balance that was taken from us long ago.

What was hidden is now revealed. We know what must be done. And, as women, we will not falter, we will not be dissuaded. We will persevere until we are safe once more. And if you feel so inclined, work a spell tomorrow using the Blessed Crone phase of the Full Flower Moon, to bring all oppression to a deserved end.

Blessings to my Sisters and Brothers as we return to Goddess Presence!

Originally published at https://www.imsteppingaside.com on May 19, 2019.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at http://www.imsteppingaside.com/ Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…