Esoteric Influences for 17–23 May 2020

Jan Erickson
10 min readMay 17, 2020

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Welcome to another edition of your weekly aggregate of esoteric influences! We’ll begin first with the weekly numerology!

Sunday — 17/8 — take care of practical matters and responsibilities today. Check-in with others and offer support where you can.

Monday — 18/9 — something may be coming to an end today. A situation, or perceptions, may be coming to a conclusion or shifting now.

Tuesday — 19/1 — whether a situation ended or found its conclusion or it’s that perceptions are beginning to shift, today promises a new beginning. Let it be in the direction of shared purpose and unity.

Wednesday — 20/2 — remain in the observer role in order that you seek balance today. Reciprocity is favored if it can be expressed safely. Understand cause and effect.

Thursday — 21/3 — the greater picture is in view today as we continue to assess where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. Align mind and body with Spirit and allow Higher Self to inform your path.



Jan Erickson

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…