Daily Magick ~ 7 November 2022

Jan Erickson
1 min readNov 7, 2022

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The favorability for working magick today is excellent with planets aligning with the Water element having the strongest influence. Monday’s magickal focus involves feminine magicks, healing, intuition, cycles, reincarnation, astral travel, balance, and change.

The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon is in Taurus, with Void of Course not in effect today. The Moon is in the Maiden phase of tomorrow’s Full Moon, is still waxing, and is in its Gibbous phase indicating magicks of increase are favored that involve seeking knowledge, achieving goals, and discovering one’s purpose.

The Moon is in the 3rd Mansion (Azoraya/Al Thurayya) which is profitable for hunters, sailors, and alchemists. Planets in retrograde include Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, and Chiron.

General correspondences on this day governed by The Moon include:

  • Element: Water
  • Color: Silver, white
  • Direction: West
  • Energy: feminine/receptive
  • Power: To Dare
  • Deities: Diana, Luna, Selene, Artemis, Mani, Phul (Olympic Spirit)
  • Crystals: Pearl, moonstone, selenite, beryl, marcasite
  • Resin: mastic, frankincense, copal, saffron, red sandalwood, cinnamon, honey
  • Herbs: almond, mugwort, moonwort, yellow ranunculus, palm, lily, willow, violet, poppy, fennel, iris



Jan Erickson

Blogger at http://www.imsteppingaside.com/ Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…