As Above, So Below for 5 December 2024: Empowering Women
The reading notes for today’s reading are below. You’re welcome to watch the video here.
- Significator runes: Dagaz (23rd rune, day, daylight, one period ending and a new one beginning, endings/beginnings, all doors open/all options available) and Populus (crowd, follower)
- Cards: 2 of Swords, 3 of Cups, King of Wands
- Patterns: a possible focus on empowering women
- Overall numerology: 23+2+3=28; 2+8=10; 1+0=1 (new beginnings, talent, leadership, the self)
Dagaz and Populus begin today’s reading by Dagaz suggesting that one phase is ending and a new one is beginning, and Populus indicating the new phase affects a group, family, society, etc. The overall numerology of one reinforces the idea of new beginnings.
The 2 of Swords begins the Tarot portion of the reading by suggesting that a decision needs to be made without emotions getting in the way. The emotions could be fear-based and a more rational decision about the future needs to be made. The 3 of Cups is next suggesting coming together with others in celebration or in establishing common ground, while the King of Wands, as he looks back at the women in the 2 of Wands and the 3 of Cups may be suggesting that they use their collective…