An Imbolc Runecasting ~ 4 Feb 2017
Today’s runecasting has an Imbolc feel to it. I’ve been drawing the same tarot cards the last day or so and switching decks doesn’t seem to be helping reset things so when I began drawing male Court cards today, I knew I had enough. Court cards are odd to interpret sometimes. The interaction between Court cards is important as is determining whether or not they’re people or the qualities thereof. With all the extreme personalities the world is currently dealing with that seem to influence tarot readings of late, I need a break. And now that the snow is indeed melting (YAY!) I decided to set up an Imbolc altar and cast the runes there.
Imbolc fell on February 1st this year and signifies the beginnings of Spring. With the snow beginning its break up today Hagalaz, Ehwaz, Berkano, and Inguz are significant runes to draw. Although Phil has spoken and we’re in for six more weeks of winter, maybe the runes have a different perspective on the matter.
I can begin the reading with Hagalaz or Berkano, but I think I’ll start with the witch rune. Appropriate as its also known as the cosmic ice egg, Hagalaz, the 9th rune of the Elder Futhark and a rune of Elemental Water brings positive change. Like the witch, Hagalaz disrupts the existing framework and casts a protective influence. It’s chaos crystallizing into form.
From there, Berkano, the 18th rune, signifies fertility and healing. New beginnings and growth are influenced by this rune of Elemental Earth. It reflects Goddess as Earth Mother, invoking Gaia energies of rebirth and healing. Like Hagalaz, its numerology reduces to 9 or completion.
Ehwaz binds Goddess energies in partnership to bring change that is significant if not abrupt in nature. The 19th rune of the Elder Futhark, its numerology is 10 reducing from there to 1, or new beginnings. It suggests overcoming obstacles and safe travel and represents the merkaba or vehicle of our etheric presence. As such it’s useful in trancework as well as hedge riding or astral travel.
The 22nd rune of the Elder Futhark, Inguz corresponds to the master builder number and as the seed, it signifies the sudden release of energy. Interesting in that another way of drawing the rune is to draw two X’s, one above the other resembling DNA. Life emerges from the seed. Inguz completes the energy of Berkano, as it focuses the energy of fertility into form. It governs sexuality and conception and the promise of a successful outcome. This makes it a wonderful rune to use in the garden, alone or as a bindrune to hang around the garden or greenhouse to promote growth and a successful harvest. The bindrune to the right shows front and back sides, the front side depicting a witch rune for a successful harvest.
Growing up in Alaska, the snow melting was known as the break up, an experience that seemed to take forever. Days grew longer and signs of life would begin appearing everywhere. The high desert of Central Oregon feels a little like my childhood with the snow still here after two months. Typically we get a break between storms. This is the first time in the 35 years we’ve lived here that snow has stayed this long and at this depth. Of course, it’s only melting because our snow blower arrived the other day. But with melting, there’s hope of actually doing a walk. So I’ll take what I can get.
The process begins with the witch as Goddess who brings life back to the earth. She casts her intention, bringing new life into being, her desire within invoking inner energies of expansion. Everywhere, life springs into being. The final numerology is 5 or change but if I leave out the 22 as the Master Builder number, the numerology becomes 10, reducing further to 1 or new beginnings.
Ultimately this Imbolc runecasting describes the cyclical nature of life, intelligent and self-sustaining. Winter gives way to Spring, with all its beauty and benevolence, the Sun’s rays fostering growth through Summer into Fall’s bountiful harvest, returning once again to its Winter slumber.
But what it also tells us is that we will continue irrespective of the challenges we experience for we can never assume they are insurmountable. Life always finds a way and with Goddess blessings so shall we.
Blessed be.
Originally published at on February 4, 2017.