A Bindrune For Awakening

Jan Erickson
3 min readDec 1, 2015


A bindrune is a particular expression of rune magick. In this case, I cast three runes and felt them bind together on their own. It’s so cool when that happens. I know if I’m not intentionally selecting them, I have no choice but to hear their call. Fehu, an energy sending rune, binds well with Kenaz, the rune of openings, giving way to Dagaz, the rune of awakening and enlightenment. It’s almost as if they were made for each other!

But before I begin the interpretation and explanation of the bindrune, I wanted to talk about the crystals surrounding the runes. I like a mandala effect, a circle of sorts, which is important when envisioning the bindrune. It’s essentially the same idea as when casting a circle for ritual work, acting as a vessel for the energy work. Two dragon bloodstones surround a piece of celestite at the bottom of the circle. The dragon stones balance physical and nonphysical energy with the celestite acting as a balance point. Above the runes I placed three amethyst points, signifying Higher Self influences. Along each side are three small pieces of jet for protection and grounding. A piece of flourite is in the middle to harmonize the blending of runic energies into the bindrune.

The first rune in the Elder Futhark, Fehu hastens things along. A Fire Element rune, Fehu manifests energy, and increases its effect. Fehu interacts with and strengthens surrounding runes, making it an excellent option for a bindrune.

Fehu sends its energy into another Fire Element rune, Kenaz, increasing its intensity for revealing that which is unseen. Clarity and intuition are strengthened with the transformational interaction between these two runes. Awakening is at hand.

Finally, Dagaz is positioned at the top of the flourite palm stone. Dagaz is the end of one phase as it flows into the birth of another. It is daylight, our awakening spiritual awareness of who we are. I see Dagaz as balanced awareness with the individual at it’s center. It is Kenaz in all directions. The dragon bloodstones surrounding the celestite illustrate this same principle of balanced awareness. Dagaz was drawn first, as we begin in complete awareness and enlightment. I drew Fehu next, binding it to Kenaz, both energizing and supporting awakening.

I consecrate bindrunes on the new moon, another ten days away. I’ll gather all that I’ve created and perform a consecration ritual, invoking Goddess blessings. This one, I’ll carry with me, as a talisman. It will be a reminder of who I am, of who we all are, as enlightened extensions of Source Energy. It illustrates that our greatest power is in alignment with Spirit, with Higher Self.

See..this is why I love runes..they really do point the way..

~Blessed be the Runes!

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Originally published at www.imsteppingaside.com on December 1, 2015.



Jan Erickson
Jan Erickson

Written by Jan Erickson

Blogger at http://www.imsteppingaside.com/ Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…

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